about me

I grew up in a family that valued creativity and from an early age my eyes were trained to see the beauty around me - in nature, of course, as well as in all things designed - art, furniture, gardens, buildings even labels on mustard jars. Everything was scrutinized with sharp focus - composition, color, proportion were common words in our family’s vocabulary. It's no surprise that I studied graphic design.
I practiced graphic design for years before starting Arch Street Studio - a wholesale giftwrap company - still applying my graphic design skills. In 1989 my mother invited me to join her at a week long watercolor class in Colorado. I reminded her that I couldn't paint (because I never had) and had young children who couldn’t possibly survive a week without me! She proved me wrong on both counts and we attended that class together every summer for the next 10 years. She herself picked up a watercolor brush in her early seventies painting passionately for the remainder of her life and taught me that it’s never too late to learn something new.
Each time I sit down to paint I practice letting go -- of expectations and judgment. I know how tricky it can be to allow ourselves to face a blank piece of paper. My experience giving watercolor classes has convinced me that everybody is naturally creative. I thoroughly enjoy helping people tune into that creativity - remaining open to possibility. Kate Weese